Thursday, April 14, 2016


I just dug up the results of the MBTI test I took at a company where I used to work. Most people don't realize that I am an "I" because I am sociable and get along well with so many people, and easily.

But I have also been accused of being standoffish. Because when that "I" takes over, I really just don't want to be around people that much.

INFPs with others tells me this: INFPs value relationships based on depth, authenticity, true connection, and mutual growth.

And now, boys and girls, we understand why this marriage shit didn't really work out. There wasn't a true connection or mutual growth. One of us was growing... the other stagnating. I leave it to you to sort which was which.

And this: If they have not developed their Intuition preference, INFPs may not have
reliable ways of taking in information and may then fail to notice the
realities of situations.

So true. Another reason why this shit went south I suppose.

At a few points, I have been labeled as standoffish because even though I often have a lot to say, I often don't divulge EVERYTHING that I am thinking. People can sense this, and it put them off. But the truth is, I'm just selective about sharing those deep, deep thoughts, and that can be off-putting to people. But fuck, I am the most loyal person you will ever meet once I decide that you are mine. It's like...claiming a person.

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